ESR: Monisha Rastogi

Host: HTC (PhD awarded by EPFL)

Start date: January 1, 2018


The objective is

  • To characterise the first two cycles of hydrate drying, rewetting and subsequent storage by Maruyama’s length change method, by gravimetric uptake and by environmental scanning electron microscopy to augment and cross check against the 1H analyses in Projects 4 and 5.

Progress of the project



Role of cavitation in drying cementitious materials. Monisha Rastogi, Arnaud Muller, Mohsen Ben Haha, Karen Scrivener. arXiv:2101.02433 (cond-mat.soft), Jan. 2021.


Expected Results:

  • Month 12: Shrinkage methods of Maruyama made available;
  • Month 21: Initial results on C-S-H at standard composition obtained;
  • Month 30: Results on C-S-H as a function of CaO to SiO2 ratio complete;
  • Month 39: Systematic study of hydrates with different oxide mixes complete.

Planned Secondments

  • 4 months at EPFL: Training in research methods and techniques; start month 1.
  • 2 months at EPFL: Training in research methods and techniques; start month 25.